Janet is 15 years old and is currently in primary 5. She has a physica...
I was born in Rutshuru Village on 2/17/2007. My mother died from an il...
My name is Janvier. My father died in March 2009 and my mother died in...
My name is Jemima. I was born at Kitchanga and my favorite color is gr...
I am orphaned of both my father and mother. My name is Je T'Aime Mayan...
My parents were struck down when they housed under a tree in the field...
My mother died of an illness when I was 3 years old. My father died of...
My name is Jospin. My mother died from a stray bullet when we were fle...
My name is Jothan. I was born in Sake. My mother died when I was 9 yea...
My name is Joy and I like chickens! I was born in Sake. My mother died...
I was born in Kalungu Village in the Kalehe Territory on 6/21/2008. My...
In March 2020, my parents were found dead on the road in the village c...
Julius is 2 years old. He was born with hydrocephalus. He has not yet ...
I was born in Masisi on 8/11/2008. My father, Ndigura Mbarusha, was ki...
I was born in Kitchanga in 2006 and my name is Kadada. My parents were...
My name is Kahindo and I was born in Mubambiro. My cousin brought me t...
Click Below to Hear Kahindo Share Her Educational Goals and Dreams! ...
My parents always fought and then they got divorced. My mom remarried ...
My name is Kelvin. Both of my parents were killed by rebels of M23 whe...
My dad left my mom before I was even born. As a single woman it was to...
Click Below to Hear Kito Share His Educational Goals and Dreams! ...
My name is Kito. My father was killed by rebels of M23 because rebels ...
My parents, Hamuli and Venatie, died in 2010 from HIV. Please pray for...
Click Below to Hear Koko Share His Educational Goals and Dreams! ...