Peter is 7 years old. His parents have both abandoned the family. He has epilepsy which is currently untreated and a cognitive impairment. The team believes there are more diagnoses undetected. He is currently nonspeaking and is unable to sit or stand. He relies on others to meet all of his needs. Peter has never attended school.
Location Uganda - Special Needs Children's Initiative
Gender Male
Story Peter is 7 years old. His parents have both abandoned the family. He has epilepsy which is currently untreated and a cognitive impairment. The team believes there are more diagnoses undetected. He is currently nonspeaking and is unable to sit or stand. He relies on others to meet all of his needs. Peter has never attended school.
Prayer Requests school, health (including epilepsy treatment), capital for grandmother, wheelchair, supplies (clothes, bedding, diapers), elderly grandmother